Mimi Hughes is a highschool teacher somewhere în Tenessee, America, 59 years old and 4 children, now adults with families. Mimi is also the only woman in the world to have swam, in 2006, when she was 50, the 2.850 kilometers of the Danube River, starting from its source, Black Forrest Mountains (Germany) to Sulina (România), the river mouth to Black Sea. She achieved this performance together with her daughter, Kelsey, at that time of 19 years old. Kelsey acompanied her in a kayac. But this is not the only of Mimi’s incredible swimming expeditions: the endurance swimmer has swam the distance between North America and Siberia, the almost 5 kilometers of frozen and dangerous waters (because of the currents) of the Bering strait, (when she was 41, in 1997), but also the tributaries of the Danube, Drava river (707 km) & Mura river (480 km), and also Tenessee river…